Monday, October 12, 2009

A favor...

A very good friend of mine just got told he has basal cell carcinoma (aka skin cancer).

Another friend, a melanoma survivor, mentioned that Shonda Schilling (Curt Schilling's wife) was the founder of The SHADE Foundation. Their mission statement:
To eradicate melanoma through the education of children and the community in the prevention and detection of skin cancer and the promotion of sun safety.
I'm not asking for anything more than that you protect yourselves and the ones you love. It can be simple (for most people):
  • Do Not Sunburn
  • Cover Up
  • Seek Shade
  • Wear A Hat
  • Limit Time In The Sun Between 10am & 4pm
  • Always Use Sunscreen With SPF 15+
  • Conduct Monthly Skin Exam
There are a lot of people who don't have the luxury of staying out of the sun due to their profession. Soldiers come to mind, for one. Toss some sunblock in that next care package if you can. And please take care of yourselves as well.

~~Code Monkey

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