Monday, November 09, 2009

A soldiers' perspective is no longer wanted by the chain of command at Redstone Arsenal


To alleviate confusion, I'm not quitting (yet).  CJ wrote "A Soldier's Perspective".  His chain of command are the tools.  I strongly urge you all to contact both the chain of command at Redstone Arsenal, Alabama, and the Congresspersons from Alabama, and ask them to look into why a decorated combat veteran with 15 years of service isn't allowed to bring facts and logic to a supposed debate about school uniforms to a PTA meeting, how that in any way affects his military performance, and why his chain of command would side with a PTA and attack CJ for blogging.//

What happens when leaders refuse to be honest, or to stand up for their soldiers when they are unfairly accused of wrongdoing, and when the chain of command would rather bow to small-minded bigots than stand up for reason and logic and polite discourse?


Blogging is no longer worth the trouble. Everything is fine as long as the stories are happy and positive. The military wants happy stories, not honest stories. Everything must be 100% in concert with the Army spin. If it's not, you're considered an "embarrassment" to the Army, the installation, and/or the NCO Corps. Integrity is no longer an accepted method of leadership. If I can't be honest and open, I won't write at all. I refuse to allow my private blog's message to be dictated with threats and intimidation. It's been a fun six years!

"America's military bloggers are also an important voice for the cause of freedom."
President George W. Bush

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