Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Soldier's Angels Backpacks

My name is SFC G and I am currently serving in Afghanistan.This past Friday I was MEDEVACed to the Hospital. While in transport my uniform was cut off me to allow the Doctors and everyone to do what they do best. Once I woke up in my hospital bed a Nurse handed me a bag from your Organization. At first I just thought that this was just the normal toothbrush, shampoo, and other personal hygiene items. I have never been so happy to be wrong in my life. I cannot tell you how happy I was to open a bag and find clothes that I could put on and feel human again. The weirdest thing was not getting the clothes, but rather the feeling of being at home again. Over here everything smells “Army.” You can ask any veteran and they will tell you that the military has a certain smell that comes with it. This bag for a few minutes helped me forget about the pain and everything else going on over here and made me feel like I was back home with my wife and kids. I had never heard of your group before this and I am in the process of informing my entire family about what you all do. Words cannot express my thanks to all the wonderful people you have working and volunteering to help all of us over here. It is because of all the people like everyone in your organization that allows us to do what we do. Once again thank you for your support and Merry Christmas to all of you!

With the utmost thanks and gratitude!

To find out more how you can help, please visit www.soldiersangels.org

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