Saturday, October 22, 2011


I have spent the last two or three days at Bagram AFB. It is the fount from which all fobbits in Afghanistan spring. Surprisingly, the civilian contractors I have dealt with have all been courteous, helpful, and genuinely good to talk to.

But the fobbits... Ugh. One of the big issues for the Army right now is the multicam uniform. It is a limited quantity thing, is only used in Afghanistan, and of course, that means that it's instantly cool to have.

You would think that the push would be to give priority to the people at the pointiest end of the spear... Those of us who might benefit most from being able to blend in to the scenery when being shot at. You would think that, but you would be wrong.

Every stinking fobbit on this base has multicam. I couldn't get in in Hawaii because it takes thirty days to get it there and I simply didn't have that much time before I deployed. I had to bring all my ACU patterned uniforms and gear, because I just hesitate to trust when someone tells me "oh, you'll be issued that when you get there. Turns out, I was right. There were shortages at the multicam issue... Little things like gloves that would fit, hats in my size, sleeping bags, etc. But oh boy do the fobbits have their geardo toys.

I took in some fobbit watching while enjoying a Green Beans sweet iced tea. It's right around 65 degrees and a tiny bit drizzly, and the fobbits are waling around in their multicam issue polar fleece. Let me repeat... They are wearing a heavy fleece because it's 65 with a very light rain. First, every soldier... That is, every warrior, knows that fleece gets wet and heavy in the rain... And fleece does fuck-all to keep you dry. Second, no warrior pulls out a fleece when it's still warm outside. Third, these fobbits were going to the PX of all places... Not like they were going out on patrol any time soon. It doesn't take much of a trained eye to spot the fakers from the warriors, usually you can tell because they have every bit of cool guy gear, and look ridiculously clean and their gear is always free from any kind of wear and tear.

More on the fobbits in another post when I can really get the blood pumping.

Right now I am in transit limbo, waiting on a plane ride to take me out to Jalalabad, where my unit is. Then to my FOB.

Meanwhile, a little monkey tells me that Mike Yon is considering posting video of a soldier dying on the battlefield from massive trauma.

Let me be succinct: I don't give a flying fuck what purpose he THINKS that will serve. There is no more private and personal moment for that soldier... And to shoot video of it for any reason, degrades that soldier, and his sacrifice, beyond belief. I always made a point to tell any media-types that went outside the wire with me that they were free to film whatever they wanted... Except a wounded, dying, or dead soldier. I also made them very aware of how serious I was about that simple rule... Their chances of returning from a mission were nil if they did that.

Too bad he was busy shooting video instead of putting some of that uber high speed medic stuff they taught him at special forces school. Maybe if he'd tried to HELP, that soldier would be alive. But he "kept his integrity" and took pictures.

Why does the thought of publishing this video repulse every fiber of my being? Because some day, it could be my wife, or my child who would google their dad, and they would see me dying, suffering, screaming in agony. You know what every loved one wants to know when they lose a soldier? "Did he suffer?" Would anyone want to watch their loved one die like that?

What kind of sub-human garbage would even consider publishing that?

Peeps, if you have ever considered hitting mike's tip jar, or have in the past, don't. He was once a good writer, doing something few would. Now he is trying to make a name for himself and find fame and fortune on the backs of dying soldiers. If you're a big Yon supporter, and you believe he is preaching the gospel and an unsung hero, then go away. Go back to licking the bus windows when your caregiver drives you from the managed care facility to your job making pencils.

If you need a picture of the moon in Afghanistan that is poorly focused, I will unpack my camera in a few days and take one for you.

It's really starting to rain right now... where did I put my fleece?


P.S. Yon seems to be a-skeered of what he perceives as threats from milbloggers. He's afraid for his personal safety. I am not now, nor have I ever, threatened him. You don't threaten people like him, you scrape them off your shoe... Like you would dog shit.

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