Wednesday, December 14, 2005

Goodbye Tookie...rot in hell.

Did anyone else feel a strange disturbance in the force last night? I certainly did. It was about one o'clock my time (CST), (I think.) At first, I thought that it was the feeling of a single soul being snuffed out. Then, I came to realize that it was more than that. It was the voices of thousands of souls, screaming for justice. (Obviously, one soul being snuffed out is hardly enough to wake me up.).
After clearing the cobwebs from my mind, I realize that right about then was when Tookie would be getting his shot—and the rest of the world would be getting yet another vaccination against his kind.
Sure, sure he had dedicated his life since his incarceration to peaceful means. One is left to wonder if he would have continued down this path to righteousness had he not been caught and sentenced to die. I doubt that he had retired from the gang life before being caught and sentenced, and I doubt that he would have “seen the light” under any other circumstances.
Some people still have doubts whether or not the people that he was CONVICTED of murdering were actually killed by him. Regardless, as founder of the gang, he was responsible for thousands of murders carried out in the name of the gang. But that's not what he was sentenced to die for. I find it interesting that he claimed simultaneously his innocence, and asked for redemption. If he's innocent he doesn't need redemption, does he?
Governor Schwarzenegger simply added a little bit of Clorox to the gene pool. Despite all the hype, all the grandstanding, all the protests in all prayer vigils, there was one person, and only one person who could have (or should have) been able to offer Stanley redemption: Lora Owens. She never spoke on his behalf, never cried out for his execution. She simply sought justice.
Too bad, California won't be having any love-ins with Amnesty International. And, although California is a “red state,” it has a governor with the balls to seek justice, stick to his guns when he is doing something he believes in, and see things through.
The lesson here: if you take a life, you are responsible from that incident until the end of your days for that life. If the taking of the life was justified, then you will live out your days in peace. If however the taking of life was unjust, then your acts from that moment on, regardless of your motive should not and will not upset the scales of justice in your favor. And as you go to that "humane" execution, one in which you will feel little or no pain, be glad that you don't live in Chuckland; where the punishment fits the crime. In this case, Tookie would've been fatally shot and left to die on the floor of the convenience store where he murdered Albert Owens 26 years ago. And justice would've been served about 25 and ½ years ago.


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