To Dee and Everyone at Soldiers Angels:
Thank you so much for delivering the computer, quilt and goodies.
It is comforting to know there are people who care so much.
After a year of surgeries, treatment and therapy, it can be discouraging.
Although I am a trained attorney, due to TBI, it is unclear what my future will be.
The computer will help with my therapy and my transition back to civilian work.
Merry Christmas and a Happy, Prosperous New You to all of you!
CPT Rick

Patti Patton-Bader, the Founder of Soldiers' Angels, signs her emails "Wingtip to Wingtip." When I found the quote at the top of the post, it made me think of that. Alone I can do very little. I can send a few care packages and letters, but I cannot let them all know they have our support by myself.
When the first laptop was given to Chuck by Soldiers' Angels, an idea was born for Project Valour-IT, but it could have been nothing more than a thought if not for all the Angels involved since its inception. Every single donation during the fund raisers, no matter the size, contributed to the next laptop to be given to a hero. Heroes like CPT Rick.
In some cases, our wounded troops just need for there to be an angel on either side of them to help them fly until their own wings heal.
-Code Monkey
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