Monday, February 22, 2010

From my position!!! is about to move west... and very south.

From my position!!! is about to move west... and very south.

So far south that people don't say ya'll, but instead,


Okay. The blog isn't going anywhere. Just yours truly, and yours truly's family, pets and the assorted flotsam that we call our stuff. (I still have furniture my parents handed down to us from when we were married in 1997.)

Someone very special at the Armor assignments branch at Human Resources Command dug himself out of last week's record snowfall, managed to get to work without getting killed, and then was big enough to put me on orders to the 25th Infantry division's home at Schofield Barracks, Hawaii. I am supposed to report in mid July.

So,  will be visiting my childhood home, my father's interment site at punchbowl, and spending my free time in places like this:

Instead of doing this:



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