Friday, May 11, 2012

What I care about in politics

I don't care if a presidential candidate pushed a 6-year-old girl with downs into a chipper shredder.
I don't care if a presidential candidate has smoked weed, snorted coke, or shot heroin.
I don't care if a presidential candidate has eaten dog, cat, blue whale, or bald eagle.
I don't care if a presidential candidate love gays, hates gays, doesn't care about gays, or is gay.
I don't care if a presidential candidate is mormon, buddhist, catholic, amish, or atheist, muslim, or practices santeria.
I care if my presidential candidate has a workable plan to make our economy work, reduce our defecit, wean us off the teat of foreign oil, has a workable plan for a strong defense, doesn't bow to anybody, doesn't apologize for America, doesn't take shit from other countries, scares the Russians, French, China, and entire Middle East, supports Israel, and makes North Korea tremble; and laughs in the face of the UN. (In short, a President who believes in "America First, everybody else, take a number.")

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