Dear Angels and Friends,
Today we're focusing Project Valour-IT because it is integral to the recovery and reintegration of wounded warriors who return from combat severely injured and facing a very different life than they left.
Check out these three stories that demonstrate the power of Valour-IT!
First up, Justin Clark speaks for himself:
Getting a Valour-IT to laptop as soon as possible after injury creates the greatest benefit, as SPC Lund's story illustrates. He lost both his arms in a blast and must rely 100% on his voice to use a computer to connect with his world as he recovers. His laptop motivates him in physical therapy!
For Sgt. Tomlinson, a Valour-IT laptop is a ticket to college independence despite partial paralysis in his arms. He spent two years recovering and is now transitioning to post-military life.
For all three of these warriors, a Valour-IT laptop not only boosts their morale and enriches their lives, but puts the power to shape their futures within reach no matter their physical capabilities. More than words, more than sentiment, more than gratitude, a Valour-IT laptop is a gift beyond measure!
How can you help with the fundraising competition to ensure more severely-wounded heroes like these benefit from this amazing project?
The best thing you can do is spread the word!
So far, we've raised $7,000 through the summer fundraising competition. That's a great start, but it's only 7% of the goal we need to meet demand. Fortunately, bloggers are stepping up to help, and aligning with a team to bring others on board and motivate donations (all funds raised go to ANY service member in need of Valour-IT, regardless of branch).
Once again this year, the small-but-powerful Marine Corps team leapt into the early lead, but now the Army and Navy-Coast Guard teams are surging. But where are the Air Force team supporters? If you know people who would like to help Team Air Force make it a contest, share this link!
Every $5, $10, $50 or $100 gets us closer to the next laptop for a wounded warrior like SPC Lund, Sgt. Tomlinson or Justin Clark. Please help by forwarding this email and clicking here to donate today!
Wingtip to wingtip,
Patti Patton-Bader
Soldiers' Angels
It was the first time I felt whole since I’d woken up wounded in Landstuhl.
–Major Charles "Chuck" Ziegenfuss, on using a voice-controlled laptop