It was the first time I felt whole
since I’d woken up wounded in Landstuhl.
since I’d woken up wounded in Landstuhl.
–MAJ "Chuck" Ziegenfuss, on using a voice-controlled laptop
Every week brings more wounded troops home from the battlefield, but donations for Valour-IT are not keeping pace with their needs. To maintain the project, we are holding a special fundraiser from Independence Day (July 4th) through Labor Day (September 3rd).
To do this, we need your help. Please consider how you can make this fundraiser a success! You can:
• Share this link with everyone you know• Post about the fundraising competition on Facebook or other online forums
• Tweet about it
• Post it on your blog
• Share it with people who blog or run websites
These heroes have literally sacrificed parts of their bodies in service to our country. As we celebrate the freedoms their service has given us, let us renew our efforts to ensure they have what they need to build their own new lives as wounded warriors. How can we give them less?